Take Action!
- Cherry Crest PTSA Executive Committee is looking for new Members for 2023-24 year - The PTSA nominating committee is looking to fill several positions on the EC including Co-President and several VPs. This could be your way to get involved with Cherry Crest PTSA! For more information on roles and time commitment, please contact nominatingcommittee@cherrycrest-ptsa.org by Feb 28th.
- Families of 3rd Graders: Sign up for February Staff Appreciation
- Volunteer in the upcoming Variety Show and Art Auction and Scholastic Book Fair and the Library
Dec 6-9 Usborne Book Fair in Cherry Crest Library Dec 6-9 Art Reflections student work displayed outside library (with People's choice voting) Dec 9 Assembly with Read-a-thon Winners Dec 9 Math Challenge #6 posted (due Jan 13) Dec 5-16 Donation boxes out for Used Book Fair Dec 16 Math Challenge #5 Google Form Due Dec 16 Last day of school before Winter Break Dec 16 Lost and Found donated to charity Jan 3 School resumes
Thank you to the many families, relatives and friends who contributed to this year's Read-a-thon. Together we enhance the educational experience of every Cherry Crest student.
Special thanks to our avid student readers who made this all possible!
Missed the deadline? Donate today and your student can still earn a Cherry Crest branded bookmark, pen and/or journal. Details are on the donation page.
And thank you to our super volunteer, Kathy Hotchkies, for all she did to make this fun for the kids and successful to support our PTSA!
Do you have any gently used kids books that you'd like others in the Cherry Crest community to enjoy? Please consider donating them to the First Cherry Crest Used Book Fundraiser!
Dec 5-16 & Jan 3-18 Collection boxes are out at each grade flex area. Please encourage your kids to drop off gently used books they no longer need. Parents are welcome to drop off a large pile of books.
Jan 20 Used Book Fundraiser at the Cafeteria
This Thursday, December 8th, 20% of all of the sales in Snapdoodle Toys & Games in Bellevue will be donated to Cherry Crest PTSA. Tell your friends and family!
Do you love art? Helping kids with arts and crafts?
Title of Class: Green Wand Magic Course from Seattle Magic Academy
Day of week: Tuesdays from 2:35pm – 4:05pm
Dates: Jan 10-Mar 7, no class Feb 21
Location: CCE Stage
Cost: $289
Registration Link: https://SeattleMagicAcademy.com/cherrycrest
Program: Little Chargers Basketball for 3-5th graders
When: Mondays from 2:30-3:30, starting 1/9 (7 sessions, no class 1/16)
Location: CCE Gym
Cost: $175
Registration Link: Registration
Title of Class: Adventures in STEM with LEGO® Materials
Day of week: Monday
Time of day: 2:30pm-4:00pm
Start and end dates: 1/9/23 - 3/13/23 (no class 1/16, 1/30, 2/20)
Registration Link: https://play-well-registration.com/registration/new/98273
In the Community Bulletins section of the PTSA website and newsletter, we pass along information submitted to the PTSA newsletter editor which may be of interest to Cherry Crest Families. No sponsorship or endorsement is made or implied by the PTSA or the Bellevue School District.
University of Washington in partnership with Starbucks celebrates the service of local heroes. Principal Steere was honored on Saturday, November 19th. We are so grateful for his many valuable contributions to our community here at Cherry Crest. Congratulations Mr. Steere!
Cherry Crest’s WINTER BOOK FAIR, with Usborne Books & More is December 5th through 9th.
Shop after school or during lunch recess these days (Friday lunch recess only – no after school sales) OR online anytime, now through December 9th at www.BookYourShelf.com
About This Newsletter
The Cherry Crest Charger Chatter is emailed to families and staff on Tuesday mornings. The deadline for submissions to the Chatter is the preceding Wednesday by 7pm. Read our submission guidelines
Information contained in directories, Newsletters or membership lists published by Cherry Crest Elementary PTSA may not be used for purposes of solicitation either commercial, political or ideological or any other purpose not consistent with the Washington Congress of Parents and Teachers By-Laws.