Reminders from BSD

We are sharing some reminders from the Bellevue School district regarding Technology, Nutrition Services, and Transportation:

Technology Update

Visit our website for tips on preparing school-issued iPads and laptops for the first day of school, to learn about preliminary device deployment plans for new students and students entering grades 2, 6 and 9, and to review the Technology Responsible Use Pledge.

On August 26, Tech Specialists started returning to school buildings to provide educators, students, and families in-person technology support. Please contact Cherry Crest front office (425-456-4900) for details.

Nutrition Services

Reminder: this school year, Nutrition Services will be returning to a more traditional meal service program with a variety of hot and cold entrée choices offered, along with fruits, vegetables and low-fat milk in the cafe. Meals will be offered at no charge for all students during the 2021-2022 school year thanks to the extension of federal funding. Like previous school years, students must “pick at least 3” items, with one being a ½ cup of a fruit or vegetable with their meal. No snack bar/a la carte/adult will be available for purchase at the start of the school year.  Families who are eligible for free or reduce lunch should still complete the online applicationas there are additional support services available based upon this information.

View digital menus for September 1–10
Apply for Free & reduced price meals for the 2021-2022 school year


Routes for the upcoming school year are posted on the Bus Routes webpage. If you need assistance, please contact transportation at or call 425-456-4512.