Going on Vacation? Submit the Pre-arranged absences form

Going on Vacation? It is expected that families will schedule their vacations and activities to coincide with the school calendar. We understand that some absences cannot be rescheduled or prevented from overlapping with school. Nonetheless, absences for vacations, sports tournaments, dance competitions, family travel, trips of a lifetime, etc. must be prearranged and approved to be considered excused under district policies (BSD Policy 3122, Procedure 3122P https://bit.ly/3dnFZzI).

You can download a copy of the prearranged absence form directly from our school’s website: https://bsd405.org/cherrycrest/report-an-absence/ or pick up a copy in the main office. We ask that you submit the form at least 2 weeks in advance to allow time for review by the teacher, and approval from the Assistant Principal. Email cherrycrestattendance@bsd405.org with any questions.

Principal Chat on Friday 12/10 @ 8:30 am

Cherry Crest families are invited to attend monthly virtual meetings hosted by Principal Dusty Steere and PTSA presidents. All chats are hosted online via Microsoft Teams and will include information from the principal as well as ample time for questions and comments.

Click https://bit.ly/3xYGOIK to join this month’s chat from 8:30 – 9:15 am on Friday 12/10.

Use this form https://bit.ly/3pspx6H to submit a question or topic for the next Principal Chat.

View the Principal Chat Resource Page https://bsd405.org/cherrycrest/resources/principal-chats/ for a list of all chat dates and prior chat recordings.

Bellevue East Little League: Winter Clinic and Spring Registration

Bellevue East Little League is happy to announce the opening of their Winter Clinic and Spring Season registration for T-Ball, Baseball, and Softball for boys and girls between the ages 4-16. Winter Clinic starts in January.  Evaluations begin in February with the season for baseball/softball starting shortly thereafter.

Find their season schedule at https://www.bellevueeastll.org/schedule/ or sign up today at https://www.bellevueeastll.org/registration.