Running Club has Begun

Register your student by this Friday, April 21 to participate in this FREE club.  Students can walk/jog/run laps at lunch recess to earn charms for completing 5K, 10K and Half Marathon milestones. Certificates will be presented by Principal Steere or Assistant Principal Stedman to students who complete a Marathon (26.2 miles)!

Registered students will receive a QR badge from their teacher but must remember to bring it to lunch recess in order to participate.  Questions? contact

Lifetouch Yearbook Order – Deadline May 5

Order a Yearbook:


Enter Yearbook ID Code: 1577523

Enter Student First Name, Last Name and Grade (be sure to enter name used in school registration. For example, Sophia vs Sophie

Confirm you ordered a yearbook:
Select Get Details of Your Previous Orders by E-mail
Enter your e-mail address and click Submit

Check Junk filters for an e-mail from Lifetouch YBPay <>

5th Graders – Send in your newborn – toddler baby picture

Let’s see how adorable our graduating 5th graders were when they were little! Send in your kiddos newborn-toddler baby pictures so we can feature them in the Yearbook.  It will be a fun iSpy game amongst the kiddos.  

upload HERE using CODE: GO-CHARGERS-GO-23 by April 19th


NOTE: this is different than the request for a 5 year old photo for the memory book, that is just showing how far they’ve come while at Cherry Crest!

Nominate Super Volunteers

Cherry Crest PTSA honors up to three outstanding volunteers each year with the Golden Acorn award.  We look for volunteers who have made significant contributions to our community in various roles throughout one or more years. 

E-mail nominations to by Tuesday, April 25.

May Music Mornings – Signup ends April 22nd

There’s nothing better than starting the morning with music. We’d love to give students the opportunity to share their music with others in the morning of May before school from 7:55 am to 8:05 am. Please fill out this form so we can contact you for signup slots. This interest form will close on April 22 – sorry, no exceptions.

Parents are encouraged and welcome to accompany their child in the morning during their session!
