School-wide Staff Appreciation Week is May 8-12

Thank you teachers and staff!

Monday, May 8 – Students bring flowers and cards for teachers and staff
Tuesday, May 9- PTSA sponsors make-your-own snack bags
Wednesday, May 10 – PTSA sponsors personalized Starbucks orders
Thursday, May 11 – PTSA sponsors catered lunch
Friday, May 12 – Families donate desserts for staff buffet

Thank you in advance for your contributions. Together we strengthen our community! Questions? Email:

Walk-a-thon is this Friday!

We are excited to see your family this Friday, May 3rd from 2:30 to 4:30pm at the Cherry Crest track! Students should wear their Walk-a-thon t-shirts to school on Friday as well as appropriate walking shoes. Teachers will distribute student badges to track laps just before walking begins.