Fall Festival FALL FESTIVAL DATE:Friday, November 1 2019 TIME:6:00 PM – 8:00 PM LOCATION:Cherry Crest Gym CONTACT:fallfestival@cherrycrest-ptsa.org Cherry Crest friends and families! Are you ready with your spooky costume to join us.We’ll have the ever popular Cake Walk, Haunted House, Dance Party, Photo Booth, Games and many more surprises!We still need:Lead volunteers for hallway decoration, photo booth and games Decor, Games, Help sign up.Donations for masking tape, flicker lights, black lights, blue tooth speaker(s), 2A and 3A batteries, decorative string door curtains (2-3), artist blue tape and frosted scotch tape. Drop off box located at the lobby starting 10/28.Halloween decorations- You can donate or loan us any spooky decorations such as blinking lamps, large spiders, ghosts, haunted mansion décor, masks, etc. Drop off box located at the lobby starting 10/28. Please clearly mark items with names if it should be returned to lender. Haunted House parent volunteers to make the haunted house safe and memorable for the kiddos Haunted House Sign Up.Actors/ghosts/zombies sign up sheets can be found in different 5th grade classes. 20-min shifts are divided by classes, feel free to sign up with your friends in the respective signup sheet.Cake drop off box will be placed in the PTSA room on the day of the event.Look forward to have a blast with spooky fun! HELP NEEDEDCan you help lead our Fall Festival? Sign up to volunteer here. DONATE SCARYWe need donations for the haunted house: Blinking lamps, scary spiders, haunted mansion decor, masks, etc. DROP IT OFF AT SCHOOLWe will have a drop off box in the lobby and at the walk-a-thon. IT’S A CAKE WALKWe need donations for the cake walk. Muffins, small cakes, cookies etc.Store bought only. Small batches are great.. Don’t be scared to contact us or to volunteerfallfestival@cherrycrest-ptsa.org