First PTSA General Meeting Sept 29th 7pm on TEAMS

The PTSA is devoted to the educational success of your children and the promotion of family engagement in schools. We work with the school administration, teachers, and families, like yours, to enrich your student’s experience at Cherry Crest. 

Historically, PTSAs have fought and were able to mandate the creation of Kindergarten classes, child labor laws, mandatory immunization, arts in education, and much more. Here at Cherry Crest, we are focused on Comm(Unity) and enabling more 1:1 attention in the classroom, improving education outcomes with enriching clubs like Math, Geography, Reading, driving connection between families, and much more. 

While Cherry Crest is an outstanding school, it’s only with parent involvement (members, volunteers, and donations) that we are able to bring that special je ne sais quoi. So, we highly encourage you to participate in the PTSA.Control of Board nominations, money spent, and activities is directed by all PTSA members at the school.

All families can participate with the PTSA.

Our first General PTSA meeting is on Sept 29th at 7pm, via Teams. We encourage you to attend this first virtual meeting as a way to learn more and see how you’d like to get involved.  You can also email with any questions about the PTSA.

Level 1 – PTSA Leader

Join the board of the PTSA or be a Chair of a program or event. 

Joining the PTSA as a Board Member or Event Chair allows you to be involved in planning meetings, leading events, and brainstorming ways to improve the PTSA on a day-to-day basis.  

It also allows you to follow projects of interest to you and make your wants, reality (this author is organizing Family Engineering night for instance)

Level 2 – Involved PTSA member

Join the PTSA for $12 annually.

There is no commitment, but joining the PTSA gives you the option to attend the PTSA general meetings and vote on budget, direction, nominees, etc.  This allows you to have an active voice in what happens at the school.

Level 3 – PTSA Volunteer

Volunteer with the PTSA.

You want to be more involved in your child’s education and want to see them greet you excitedly as you volunteer in their school, but you can’t dedicate as much time to be a PTSA leader or paid active member. No worries – fill out our Volunteer form and let us know what you can do and we’ll match you with upcoming volunteer opportunities – in the classroom, at upcoming events, or whatever your interest.

Level 4 – PTSA Observer

Attend PTSA general meetings – no commitment.  

Everyone is welcome to attend, listen and learn from all PTSA meetings.  Our organization is always open to ideas and thoughts from all parents, no matter if you are a member. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to vote on any specific items.