Take Action!

  • Volunteer at the Carnival on 10/4 (H.S. students welcome!)
  • Bookmark the PTSA Calendar page to ensure you don’t miss a fun event!
  • Bookmark the Volunteer page to see ongoing volunteer opps at Cherry Crest.
  • Volunteer as a Co-lead or Committee member for upcoming school events.
  • Access the Family Directory & connect w/ fellow classmates.
  • Sign up to Volunteer at the Library
  • Volunteers Needed for Picture Day – September 24th.
  • Attention 5th Grade Families! October is your month for Staff Appreciation! Sign-up to bring items here.
  • Take advantage of Corporate Matching Programs when you donate or volunteer

Upcoming Events

Monday, Sept 16 @6-7 PM Curriculum Night (Grades 3-5) 

Wednesday, Sept 18 @6-7 PM Curriculum Night (Grades K-2)

Tuesday, Oct 1st @645pm PTSA General Meeting in School Cafeteria 

Friday, Oct 4 @4:00 PM  PTSA Family Carnival & Fundraiser

Friday, Oct 25 @5:30 PM  Family STEM Night


Coming in March to Cherry Crest – the Scholastic Book Fair

Wanted: More parents to help with managing the fair along with Mrs. Lux and current parent co-chair. Do you love books and Cherry Crest? This is the perfect opportunity for you to get all your volunteer hours in at Cherry Crest in one week! We have a ton of fun unpacking and setting up the fair, selling books to kids at lunch recess and welcoming families in to the family afternoon/evening. Shifts and hours can be split/not required to be there for all times. Interested? Need more information? Contact Mrs. Lux at: luxja@bsd405.org

Dates: Friday March 3rd- Friday March 10th (set up on 3/3, sales 3/6-3/9 & takedown 3/10).

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Cherry Crest Wins Staff Pizza Party

Pagliacci Pizza is honoring schools throughout the Greater Seattle Area with a free pizza party for teachers and staff. Several PTSA leaders nominated Cherry Crest and staff enjoyed their reward on December 14th. What a fun and delicious surprise! We ❤️ our educators!

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Principal Dusty Steere honored as UW Hometown Hero

University of Washington in partnership with Starbucks celebrates the service of local heroes. Principal Steere was honored on Saturday, November 19th. We are so grateful for his many valuable contributions to our community here at Cherry Crest. Congratulations Mr. Steere!

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Weekly Spirit Days

Join your fellow chargers in celebrating your school and team pride!

Every Wednesday show your Charger pride by wearing red/black or Cherry Crest clothing!  Buy gear here!

Every Friday show your team spirt by wearing Seahawks or a favorite team’s clothing!

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