As we wrap the school year, we wanted to give a heartfelt thanks to ALL our volunteers this year. You are the heart of our Comm(UNITY) and without you, our school would not function. The below are just a sampling of the many, many volunteers that help make our school and Comm(UNITY) run. To all of you, THANK YOU! Here are a few volunteer highlights from the 2nd half of this school year:
🦸Everyday Heroes: those who do so much for Cherry Crest, everyday. Capes not required.
Wendy Kuo, mother of Enchi (G4), Enlynn (K), and Enray (G2) who serves on the PTSA Board as well as a Curriculum Enhancement rep. Thank you for planning such fun field trips and doing so much for the school! Fun fact – Wendy has volunteered over 70 hours at Cherry Crest this year.
Erika Dowd, mother of Audrey (G2) and Lukas (G4) helped organize the Book Fair, is a Room Parent, and has clocked over 40 volunteer hours this year. Alissa Grieves, mother of Henry (G1) and Tommy (G3) was a Room Parent for both classes this year and is such a great volunteer! Alicia Bae, mother of Stefan (G1) was a Room Parent and CE rep this year – thank you!
👏New Kids on the Block: volunteers who have stepped up in a new capacity this year.
Angel Pang, mother of Parker (G4) and Mozhgan Torabifard, mother of Kaveh (G1) work on the Chatter and website team, bringing you seamless updates about PTSA and School news. Thank you for your ongoing efforts!
Jessie Wong, mother of Harriet (G2) and Rosie (G4) – who helped lead a Robotics team this year and will be the FLL Robotics Club Co-Chair for next year along with Shruti Kassety. Thank you for helping build a fun Robotics community at Cherry Crest!
🪨Steadfast Rocks: those who consistently have been helping at Cherry Crest, year after year
Shalini Prakash, mother of Aahan (G4), year after year runs the Art Reflections contest and next year is leading the G5 Committee. Thank you for all your efforts for the school and Comm(UNITY)!
Laura Johnson, mother of Henry (G3), is our fearless VP Communications this year. Thank you for stepping up, helping build a model for future years, and continuing to help in the future!
🍎Teacher & School Shoutouts: volunteers who our teachers & school staff appreciate.
Jia Yan, mother of Emma (K) and Harvey (G3) who was a CE Rep this year and will be our new VP Comms next year! “Thank you so much for all of your help this year, Jia! You were always willing to donate your time, energy, and resources to help our class – from parties to field trips to art projects! I appreciate your help, and so do the third graders!” ~Ms. Lile 🍎
Sonali Bhargava, mother of Vaidehi (G3) who was a CE rep and Room Parent this year – thank you! “Sonali helped my classroom in many ways like planning for teacher’s appreciation week, field trips, class parties and managing PTSA activities.” ~Pooja Kasat
Laura Otte | Prasanna Bhat | Fei Zong | Selina Boland | Karsten Huttelmaier | Richard Krueger | Sheli Hadari | Allison Luhrs | Derrik Quan | Peggy Yu | Mounika Attili “Thank you for coming with us on our field trips!” ~Ms. Tamayo 🍎