News from the National PTA Legislative Conference March 9-11, 2021

This year’s National PTA Legislative Conference (LegCon) was held virtually on March 9-11, 2021. The purpose of the conference is to gather PTA members from across the nation to network with fellow PTA advocates, meet with your members of Congress, hear PTA advocacy success stories and learn how to shape public policy on Capitol Hill and at home.  Cherry Crest PTSA’s Legislative Chair attended and met virtually with Congressional Staff from the Offices of Senator Patty Murray, Senator Maria Cantwell and Representative Adam Smith.  During these meetings attendees outlined the top priorities of National PTA and shared personal stories in support of these priorities.  One noted outcome was an invitation to reach out more often for these types of meetings.  

Our representatives and senators love to hear from us!  In fact, a Congressional Staffer from Rep. Adam Smith’s office invited attendees to e-mail her in order to get on a mailing list for K-12 and Child Nutrition policy updates.  Contact for more details.