Ready. . .Set. . .Read! Read-a-thon Starts Wednesday

Lunch with Principal Mr. Steere! Book selected by librarian Ms. Lux! These are some of the exciting prizes students can win by participating in the Read-a-thon starting Wednesday November 24th. The details:

The Read-a-thon is the first major Cherry Crest PTSA fundraiser of the school year. Students set reading goals, raise donations, read from November 24th to 28th (Thanksgiving break), and win exciting prizes! The details:

The details:
  • Read-a-thon kicks off with an all-school Pajama Day on Wednesday November 24th: send your kids to school in their PJs!
  • Read between November 24th – 28th
  • Reading minutes and donations will be due Friday December 3rd.
  • Winners will be announced and prizes distributed mid-December.

For details and important links see the Readathon Overview Flier.
Or check out the Read-a-thon webpage.
Questions? Please contact