MOD PTSA Fundraiser is Wednesday January 18th

Only on the fundraiser day, Jan 18th, Cherry Crest PTSA will receive 20% of all digital and in-store fundraiser sales when you visit the restaurant and show this fundraiser flyer or mention the fundraiser at checkout, or order online with the digital coupon code MODF17410.

Cherry Crest Wins Staff Pizza Party

Pagliacci Pizza is honoring schools throughout the Greater Seattle Area with a free pizza party for teachers and staff. Several PTSA leaders nominated Cherry Crest and staff enjoyed their reward on December 14th. What a fun and delicious surprise! We ❤️ our educators!

Seeking Scholastic Book Fair Co-Chair

We are looking for one or two people to help the current chair set up and run the spring Scholastic book fair. The fair takes place March 6-9th and the work to prepare and plan starts in mid-January. It is a fun and intense project for the week of the fair with a few meetings, emails and calls in January and February.

If you are interested or have questions, please contact or call Britt Heath at 425-422-2955.

Weekly Spirit Days

Join your fellow chargers in celebrating your school and team pride!

Every Wednesday show your Charger pride by wearing red/black or Cherry Crest clothing!  Buy gear here!

Every Friday show your team spirt by wearing Seahawks or a favorite team’s clothing!