An Update on Back To Buildings Plan

On Tuesday, January 26th, Superintendent Dr. Ivan Duran provided more details on the Bellevue School District’s “Back to Buildings Plan”. In particular, hybrid learners in Kindergarten, First and Second grades will be returning to buildings according to a specific schedule outlined in the letter. Please read Dr. Duran’s letter for more information.

Travel Advisory

In compliance with Governor Inslee’s Travel Advisory (“Washingtonians are encouraged to stay home or in their region and avoid nonessential travel to other states or countries.”), the Bellevue School District reminds families that all students and staff participating in in-person learning, services, or activities who have traveled out of state, need to self-quarantine at home for 14-days after returning from their travels before coming back in person.

Principal Steere’s Return to In-Person Instruction Forum

On Thursday evening 1/7, Principal Steere hosted a Return to In Person Instruction Forum to share details about the return to buildings for primary (K-2) students beginning January 21.  The presentation slides and a meeting recording are now available on the Cherry Crest website for interested families.

On Friday January 15th, Mr. Steere and school nurse Amy Borberg will host a virtual principal chat focusing on additional details and safety measures related to the return to in person learning.  All families are welcome to join the virtual Teams meeting at 8:30 am.

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

Families Traveling Outside Bellevue

If you are planning on traveling outside of Bellevue and plan to continue to participate in remote learning, you must contact

Washington State’s OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction) has mandated strict rules on who can and cannot continue to access online classes when they are out of their school’s attendance boundaries.  Please email before you make any travel plans!

A Reminder about Pre-Arranged Absences

With the holidays approaching, we’d like to remind you that Bellevue School District allows each student 5 pre-arranged absences (PRA) per year. You may use these one at a time, or all at once. These are excused absences that you can use for a travel day, a sport or dance competition or a longer trip.

If your child will be missing 3 or more days, we ask that you submit a pre-arranged absence form at least 2 weeks prior to your trip. If your child will only be missing one or two days, please email

Attendance Matters

attendance At the beginning of this school year, we continued with use of the Remote Learning Absence (RLA) coding, that was utilized last spring when students were absent from a virtual class.  Use of the RLA coding aligned with guidance from the State, however this was a temporary provision ending September 2020. Beginning Monday, October 5th, absences from remote learning will be marked excused or unexcused and we will be using the attendance codes that we have used in the past.

If your child is going to be absent or arrive late (for an early morning dental appointment, for example) , please email our attendance office by 8:00 AM at with the child’s first and last name and the reason for the absence or late arrival.

Message from your School Nurse, Amy Borberg, RN!

We know that this year has been a very challenging one for everyone.  COVID-19 has changed how we access health care, and we understand that last spring it may have been difficult to get the needed immunizations or signatures on your student’s Individual Health Plans.

Although we are beginning the school year with at-home/virtual learning, we are still collecting student’s proof of immunizations and signed IHPs in hopes that we will soon return to in-building learning.  Student’s medications can stay at home until we return to buildings.

REQUIRED HEALTH FORMS Medication Authorization, Immunization Requirements, CIS Forms and Exemption Forms (in all languages) can be found here.

IMMUNIZATIONS ~ Make sure you’re up to date!   Find a list of resources:

Highland Health Center Vaccine Clinic

If your BSD student is due for immunizations, we want to help them get caught up!  The Highland Health Center will be at Stevenson Elementary has a no-cost service for BSD students. A parent/guardian needs to be present. Please call the Highland Health Center at 206-503-3132 for more information. Se habla Español.

Need help finding a doctor or clinic, or other health resources? Call the Help Me Grow Washington Hotline at 1-800-322-2588.

Not sure if your child is up to date on their vaccines? Access their immunization record for free here

For additional information and resources about immunizations during COVID-19, click here.